August 2024

PTSA Seeking Donations for Teacher Appreciation Breakfast on May 10

Please sign-up to thank our teachers with a grab-and-go breakfast on May 10th.  Sign up here:

Please make sure all items are individually packaged or able to be grabbed individually.

Please drop off all items to the front office by Friday May 10th at 7 am

If you cannot donate food, you may make a monetary donation here:

Thank you so much for all your support!!

 Hello Bulldog Families! The Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) at Winston Churchill HS provides comprehensive support to the students, teachers, staff, and members of our community. Our membership drive is our primary fundraiser providing ninety percent (90%) of our endowment for the school year. Without your membership, we cannot continue to support all of the meaningful services that we provide. 

 (NEW) The FINAL PTSA General MEmbership meeting will be on Tuesday, May 21st at 7 pm. This will be a virtual meeting and include two important topics:PTSA Board Elections for the 24-25 school yearA Panel Discussion on College and Career supports and recommendations for your students that includes WCHS staff and experts.

 (NEW) The WCHS PTSA Special Education Committee will have a final meeting for this school year via Zoom on Wednesday, May 22nd at 7pm.
Graduation Gown Collection

Do you have blue graduation gown left over in a closet. Would you be willing to donate it for one of our current graduates to use this year?

If so, please just drop it off in the collection box in the Main Office. Our volunteers will match it with a student who needs a gown.

AP Exam Information

AP exams start on Monday, May 6th and go through May 24. You child is ready and we are ready to test them. Please review the AP exam Q & A. This document will help answer questions you might have about the AP exam testing. I know your child is ready and prepared. If you have questions, please reach out to Mr. John Haas (Administrator) and Mr. Anthony Purpura (AP Coordinator).

Club Application Information

Club applications for the 24-25 School Year are now open. All current clubs and new club requests must submit an application. Please see the club flyer for more information about the process. The link for the application is here. Applications are due no later than May 31, 2024.

Summer School Information

Attention Churchill Community. We are happy to announce that this summer we will be holding our Local Summer Program at Churchill High School. This summer we will be offering two courses: College Prep 101 (covering college essay writing, SAT Prep and ACT Prep) for rising Seniors as well as our Bulldawg 101/APUSH Prep Course for rising 9th graders. Mark your calendars for July 8 – July 19! More information to come.

WCHS Teacher Amazon Wish Lists

Ahead of next month’s Teacher Appreciation week, we have updated the WCHS Teacher Amazon Wish Lists and wanted to share this opportunity with WCHS families who would like to show their appreciation for our amazing teachers and staff.  Your purchases from the original list were delivered and greatly appreciated by their recipients.  In addition to the items that WCHS Departments have indicated they would like for their classrooms, the list also contains Amazon gift cards that will be given to teachers and staff — all 250 of them — at the end of the year.  If you would like to donate one of these desired items, please check out the WISH LIST.
Your gift will be delivered anonymously to the Department that requested the item and brighten the requesting teacher’s or staff member’s day.  Any gift cards purchased will be collected and not distributed until the End of the Year Luncheon for teachers and staff on June 13th.  Please use the provided “Gift Registry Address” as your shipping address to ensure timely delivery of your gift.  
Thank you in advance for your generosity.
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