Scroll down to see news, events and opportunities for all grades.
You can also check for grade specific information at the following links:
SAVE THE DATE: WCHS Drama Presents Arsenic and Old Lace
The Winston Churchill Drama Department presents the murderously funny play, Arsenic and Old Lace on February 21, 22, and 23! Famed for their hospitality, spinsters Martha and Abby Brewster are adored by their neighbors and guests. When their nephew, Mortimer, arrives to announce his engagement, he discovers a corpse in his aunts’ home and learns that not only do his aunts know about the body – they are the murderers! What follows is a hilarious chain of events in this classic dark comedy, where the only thing more deadly than poison is family. Get your tickets now at GoFan and don’t miss this side-splitting, suspenseful show!
MCDOT Heads Up Phone Down Video Contest

The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) is asking area high school students to spread the message to put their phones away when on the road.
The annual “Heads Up, Phones Down” contest invites teens to create short videos promoting the importance of focusing on their surroundings instead of their phones while walking or driving. Students can win prizes worth up to $800 and earn up to five Student Service Learning (SSL) hours for their efforts. MCDOT will be accepting entries of 30-second Public Service Announcements (PSAs) through Friday, Feb. 28.

Incredible opportunity for ALL high school students from any background in Montgomery County seeking to make a positive social impact. Refer to the flyer to learn about a brand new MoCo Teens Against Antisemitism fellowship and how to apply online.
In the most recent full year audit, Maryland registered with the 7th highest number of antisemitic incidents reported in the country. It would be wonderful to see MCPS students among those who strategize how to combat antisemitism locally to benefit the broader community. And extra special that this new fellowship’s partners include the Montgomery County Jewish Educators Alliance (MCJEA), which includes several of our own MCPS educators.

The Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Fair
February 14, 2025, 6:00pm – 8:30pm
Universities at Shady Grove (USG)
This event offers an opportunity for students in Grades 8 through 12 and their parents/guardians to meet with representatives from more than 50 HBCUs and participate in workshops. Registration opens Friday, Dec. 13.
The Choose Respect Video Contest (Deadline: February 16, 2025) is now open! Students may earn 10 SSL hours for quality video submissions about healthy teen dating and the impact of teen dating violence. Interested students may view the contest rules and additional information at this website.
(NEW) – Dual Enrollment Program Partnership with Montgomery College
Beginning on Monday, 10/28, juniors and seniors may request courses for spring semester Jumpstart to College dual enrollment courses at Montgomery College.
Please take this time to speak with Churchill’s Dual Enrollment Program Assistant (DEPA), Ms. Emily Turek, if you have any questions regarding the program or the application.

-Students Teaching Students Video Series (Ongoing) – MCPS is seeking students interested in creating a video presentation that teaches a skill or process that would be inspiring or useful for students in middle or high school. Students may earn 10 SSL hours for successful submission of all items identified in the submission form.
Are you a musician interested in spreading your talents throughout your community? Want to earn SSL hours too? Join The Melodic Minors!
We are a group of musicians who aim to play musical concerts at senior homes and centers, especially to those who need it most. We also volunteer and play music at elementary schools to introduce kids to the world of music. We have played in Bethesda, Kensington, Baltimore, Silver Spring, and Rockville! Our main location will be located at the YMCA, and anybody who wants to perform will be able to! Performances will be directly supervised by organizations that have met the MCPS SSL guidelines, and students’ SSL hours will be verified by the supervising MCPS SSL organization. If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please fill out this following form: Mailing List . You can also check out our flyer, attached below for more information! Please note that filling out the form does not obligate you to any performances, but rather adds you to our mailing list and means you want more detailed information about opportunities! If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to [email protected] and [email protected]

Calling All Students Interested in Exploring and Fostering Career Pathway Discussions!

The Montgomery County Career Advising Program (MoCo CAP) is actively seeking students for the MoCo CAP Student Advisory Council. First Student Advisory Council Interest Meeting will be Thursday, 20 November 2024 during Lunch in Room 106. Students can also complete the form below.
- who have an interest in supporting their peers with career exploration and postsecondary planning.
- The council should have a goal of at least 8-10 members . All students are invited to participate. Additional students may be recruited to help with special events and may earn SSL hours for their service.
Objectives of the Student Advisory Council (SAC) are
- Provide a platform for students to share their ideas and perspectives on career-related topics.
- Increase awareness of career opportunities and resources available to students.
- Organize events and campaigns to promote career exploration and postsecondary planning within the student community.
If interested, please complete this form: MoCo CAP Student Advisory Council Interest Form
If there are any questions, please see Dr. Chun-Lin, Moco CAP Career Advising Coach, in Room 106 during lunch.
Infusing RIASEC in Career Pathway Discussions and Reflection
The Montgomery County Career Advising Program (MoCo CAP) Career Coaches use John Holland’s refined RIASEC themes (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional) to help students self-identify personal interests and preferences, along with careers that require compatible styles of work. These themes provide a vocabulary for how someone sees themselves now and are growing their skills, viable post-secondary and career options. Using RIASEC, Career Coaches and students have a common language for discussions and dialogue about ever-shifting job opportunities and career decisions. Teachers can make connections between content areas and RIASEC themes when appropriate to make natural connections to career options related to classroom experiences. Career Advising is located in Room 106 or you can reach out directly to Dr. Chun-Lin during Lunch.