Second Installment: Topic: WCHS Athletics Department
Thank you for your comments and feedback on the WCHS Athletics Department. Here’s our second installment of responses to your Athletics Department questions and concerns:
Question 1: What are the fees charged by WCHS sports teams for?
Answer: Team fees are often charged by teams at the beginning of the season in order to help the student athletes throughout the season. These fees can cover things that MCPS and Booster accounts are not able to cover, e.g., team meals, senior night festivities, or team gear that is kept by the student athletes. Coaches will be required to provide parents a breakdown of what the fees will go towards each season and then the team parent will provide an accounting of what was spent and any remaining funds at the end of the season. Parents will then be given an option to have money returned to them or roll the money into the team for the next year.
Transparency will be a priority moving forward.
Question 2: What, if anything, is being done to improve the tryouts process for students?
Answer: This is an area WCHS coaches have worked and improved upon the last two years. We will continue to improve the process to make sure that student athletes who do not make a team, walk away feeling like they did not have a bad experience and learned what they
can do to improve for future opportunities. Coaches are strongly
encouraged to engage student athletes who are cut and provide hem with a reason for not making the team and to offer strategies to improve for future tryouts. Tryout guidelines are available in Team Handbooks which go out by team and are also made available on our website before the start of each season in our Tryout Information posts.
Question 3: Can freshman sports teams be established at WCHS?
Answer: Freshman teams are no longer offered by MCPS Athletics and have not been for over 25 years. These are not something that will return as they have been phased out by counties across the state due to budgetary concerns.
First Installment: Topic: WCHS Athletics Department
Thank you for your comments and feedback on the WCHS Athletics Department. Here’s our first installment of responses to your Athletics Department questions and concerns:
First Installment
Question 1: Can indoor track meets be scheduled at a facility in Montgomery County?
Answer: There are no facilities in Montgomery County that would meet the needs of MCPS Athletics.
Question 2: How can a parent obtain an accommodation for a student with a disability on a WCHS athletics team?
Answer: The Accommodation must be in the student’s 504/IEP and address athletics specifically in order for athletics to accommodate.
Please check back under this graphic, in future newsletters, for more results of our discussions with WCHS Administration on the Athletics Department. If there are other topics that you would like the PTSA to cover in its Conversation Series, please email your ideas to WCHS PTSA President Jacqui Coleman Snead at [email protected].